The Beauty of Simplicity of the Fresh Fruit Diet. The beauty of the Fresh Fruit Diet is that it is just food. Eating healthy should not be an esoteric practice or as hard as rocket science! Consider a Ciku. The tree grows in the soil, it flowers, then the sun and rain contribute to the growth of the fruit, it is picked from the branch, and then…it is eaten raw. Delicious perfection! There have been many allusions of paradise described by humankind over the centuries. Many of them stress the simplicities of life where love and peace flourish, fresh water flows in abundance, and where whole food falls from the trees. The irony is that we can enjoy a little of that paradise at our table for every meal. What could be simpler than picking fresh fruit, washing it off, and enjoying the color, taste, and texture? There is no prep time, and complex recipe, no wait for the stove to get hot, no missing ingredients to worry about. Buy, Pick, Eat. The Fresh Fruit Diet is the simplest way you can eat. Food comes in its own packages, there is no heat chemistry (cooking) involved in its preparation, and there is no laboratory (kitchen) mess to clean up afterwards. Just eat and go. Talk about Fast Food! There is something incredibly beautiful about that kind of convenience. Sometimes it just does not pay to make things more complicated than they need to be. And with cooked and highly processed foods, we’ve have over‐complicated ourselves into paying with our good health.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Study: Strange Fruit Burns Average 12.3 Pounds of Fat Every 28 Days

Photos (Below) Reveal Shocking Weight Loss Using African Mango Seeds

Move over Weight Watchers — an exotic new superfruit called 'African Mango' has quickly become the hottest new way to lose weight. 

After one of America's most popular medical doctors and daytime TV talk show hosts called African Mango (mentioning no specific brand) a "miracle in your medicine cabinet that can help you lose 10 pounds," sales of the supplement have skyrocketed, making it now one of the most popular weight-loss product in America today. 
Internet searches reveal countless blog postings and Facebook messages, calling African Mango, "The hottest new way to lose weight" and "a weight loss supplement without side effects."
Study: Reduces 12.3 Pounds of Body Fat Every 28 Days 
Beyond the success stories on social networking sites, new clinical research shows African Mango may indeed be the real deal when it comes to causing fast weight loss. 
According to a recent study published in the scientific journal Lipids in Health and Disease, African Mango extract helped men and women lose an average of 12.3 pounds of body fat in just 28 days without diet or exercise. 
What's more, those taking African Mango lost an average of over 2 inches of dangerous belly—and their bad LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose levels plummeted. 


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